We change the way people read about see themselves in jobs

Our mission is to connect job seekers and employers through video.

Our name

Our name embodies our essence - Reel in talent, job listings ('list'), and a genuine, true-to-life representation ('realist') of companies.

Our vision is to capture, share, and fill the world's jobs.

Meet our leadership

  • Andrew Nguyen


  • Justin Colosito


  • Kathleen Comer Mozzi

    Customer relations

  • Katy Schuck

    Sales & partnerships

  • Oran Duncan


  • Sean Worden


Our values

Put job seekers first

When job seekers win - we win.

Be a catalyst

Inspire change and GSD.

Always be discovering

Think big, make big bets, and iterate - quickly.

Be authentic

Be real, transparent, and honest - always.